
Detailed information on configuration options.

  • Mixer Client. Configuration state for the Mixer client library
  • Policy and Telemetry Rules. Describes the rules used to configure Mixer's policy and telemetry features.
  • RBAC. Configuration for Role Based Access Control
  • Route Rules v1alpha1. Configuration affecting traffic routing
  • Route Rules v1alpha3. Configuration affecting traffic routing
  • Service Mesh. Configuration affecting the service mesh as a whole
  • Mixer
  • Adapters
    • Circonus. Adapter for's monitoring solution.
    • Datadog. Adapter to deliver metrics to a dogstatsd agent for delivery to DataDog
    • Denier. Adapter that always returns a precondition denial.
    • Fluentd. Adapter that delivers logs to a fluentd daemon.
    • Kubernetes Env. Adapter that extracts information from a Kubernetes environment.
    • List. Adapter that performs whitelist or blacklist checks
    • Memory quota. Adapter for a simple in-memory quota management system.
    • OPA. Adapter that implements an Open Policy Agent engine
    • Prometheus. Adapter that exposes Istio metrics for ingestion by a Prometheus harvester.
    • RBAC. Adapter that exposes Istio's Role-Based Access Control model.
    • Redis Quota. Adapter for a Redis-based quota management system.
    • Service Control. Adapter that delivers logs and metrics to Google Service Control
    • SolarWinds. Adapter to deliver logs and metrics to Papertrail and AppOptics backends
    • Stackdriver. Adapter to deliver logs and metrics to Stackdriver
    • StatsD. Adapter to deliver metrics to a StatsD backend
    • Stdio. Adapter for outputting logs and metrics locally.
  • Templates
    • API Key. A template that represents a single API key.
    • Authorization. A template used to represent an access control query.
    • Check Nothing. A template that carries no data, useful for testing.
    • Kubernetes. A template that is used to control the production of Kubernetes-specific attributes.
    • List Entry. A template designed to let you perform list checking operations.
    • Log Entry. A template that represents a single runtime log entry.
    • Metric. A template that represents a single runtime metric.
    • Quota. A template that represents a quota allocation request
    • Report Nothing. A template that carries no data, useful for testing.
    • Service Control Report. A template used by the Google Service Control adapter.